From the Greek “oros”: mountain and “ganos” joy, brightness, laughing aspect. Other sources indicate that the word comes from the Greek “origanon”: which is popular on the mountain.
As its name suggests, its purple-pink flowers are grouped into compact inflorescences that stand on square stems tinged with purple and hairy. The leaves are dark green, oval, and give off a powerful aroma when crumpled.
Hippocrates, the father of medicine, already used it to treat and cure digestive and respiratory diseases. The Greeks used the leaves to make poultices to relieve painful muscles. The Romans used it in snake and scorpion bites.
It is sometimes called compact inflorescence oregano, Moroccan oregano, shepherd’s thyme, wild tea, red tea, perennial marjoram, wild marjoram.
Indications :
Infectious skin diseases / Tropical fever / Intestinal infections, viral, bacterial or parasitic in origin / Respiratory tract infections / Urinary tract infections / Nervous exhaustion
Synergies :
– For a general stimulant, combine with an essential oil of cinnamon bark or peppermint.
– To promote digestion and solve digestive problems, combine with an essential oil of cinnamon bark and Petitgrain Bigaradier.
– For skin infections, combine with an essential oil of Palmarosa
– For problems affecting the respiratory tract, combine with essential oils of Eucalyptus radiata, Ravintsara or Green Cypress.
Yield :
It takes 8kg of leaf to obtain 1kg of essential oil.